Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26th, 2010

Mom's Stuff:
As I work on finishing up my synthesis project for my master's I have noticed a shift in how I am thinking about being a mom. When LP was just three weeks old I was lucky enough to have my mother-in-law here for a weekend, and I was able to escape baby duty long enough to go work on my paper at my local coffee shop (a place I used to be almost every day of the week. I wonder if they miss me!). At the time I honestly felt like I was escaping and getting a break, and in many ways I was. This weekend, (with LP at 7 weeks) I went back to the coffee shop to work, this time leaving the G-man in charge. It still felt like a bit of a break, but I found myself really missing both my guys, but especially my little one. I was certainly more productive, and it was nice to work without some of the distractions at home. But now that I am working more at home (or attempting to get work done) I find that what distracts me most is wanting to do stuff with LP rather than having to do stuff. Today he was fine in his swing, but he was cooing and wiggling a little, and I really wanted to hang out with him instead of work on my paper. So I took a break and we read a few of his books together. While I know he won't remember these moments, I do know they matter to him, and they will be far more precious memories for me than if I ignored him and just continued editing Chapter 3 (which will now have to be edited when LP goes to bed, but its worth it!)

LP's Stuff:
This little guy it totally growing! Not only is he bigger and starting to get a bit more of that chubby baby face going on, but he is developing like crazy. Putting his hand in his mouth is pretty much a routine at this point, and he is starting to both grab small things and try to grab larger items. Today on the activity mat he really looked like he was trying to grab one of the objects. When he was streching both his arms for it, it reminded me of the times I have tried to do weight-lifting flys with too much weight, and had my arms strained to pull the weights up. He starts fussing with that after a while, but I think he is mostly frustrated, so I let him keep trying for a bit before I pick him up - I figure it will be build character. He is also enjoying being read to and played with, and it is really fun to interact with him.

Pictures and Video:

Lucas with Sloth Bear and Nuzzle - his favorite furry creatures!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 17th, 2010

Mom's Stuff:
Signs that you have made a drastic shift in your life:
  • You go from joking about your baby having a "really good poop" to actually meaning it
  • Taking a shower for more than five minutes is equivalent to a weekend at a luxury spa
  • Sleeping in means sleeping from 11pm to 4am, and then again from 5am to 8am
  • Canned soup, foccacia and salad is no longer an easy weeknight dinner - it is a three course meal
  • You cuss out mothers on T.V. who dramatize the struggle of having a baby - all while wearing perfect make-up and somehow finding time to still be at work
  • "Goo" and "Goo" seems like a perfectly legitimate conversation - with you on one side of it
And a shout out to LP's grandmas': You know you are officially a grandma when you start to show the guy at the post-office more pictures of your grandson, and he says he is pretty sure he has seen them all already.

LP's Stuff:
LP is definitely starting to do his social smiling, and he is also starting to grab at objects more routinely. He also is starting to follow a bit more of a schedule in terms of play time and naps, which also seems to be helping him sleep more at night. He is also still growing. He has now officially outgrown a fair amount of his newborn outfits, and he is fitting into things that I had put away for when he is three months old (good thing I raided that drawer this morning!) He also is a huge fan of dad. Last night we discovered (on two different occasions) that LP wouldn't go to sleep or focus on nursing when he could look at Dad. The G-man had to cover LP's face with his T-shirt to get LP to go to sleep. Luckily for us LP still has not figured out object permanence, so if he can't see it, it doesn't exist. Still, I don't think we will be able to fool him that much longer!


LP gets in touch with his sports roots - don't tell the Red Socks fans!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15th, 2010

Mom's Stuff:
Well, I feel like I'm really starting to adjust to being home with baby instead of being at work. It doesn't feel like a short break from work anymore - it feels like a lifestyle change, at least for the time being. Instead of feeling like time just hanging out with LP is keeping me away from writing or work, I am feeling like my writing and work is keeping me away from him. This doesn't mean I'm not taking full advantage of any time he is sleeping to get stuff done - especially on my masters. And I relish the time I have on Monday's to really focus on my writing and thinking about teacher development. However, I'm starting to realize that being with my son is not only a real job, but is one that I can enjoy, especially for the next few months before I return to teaching.

LP's Stuff:
Well, today was a red-letter day. Before he left for work Dad got a BIG smile from LP. We are both supremely confident that it was a social smile in response to dad, not just "gas" or other such thing. I have yet to get a smile that big, but I figure that is because I'm around all the time and therefore boring. LP is also getting quite good at grabbing toys and batting things on the activity mat. He is pretty cute when he squirms around. I think that he assumes its the squirming that leads to him hitting things because he doesn't quite get how it's his hands doing the job. He is still doing pretty well at night, although he does better when Dad wraps him up for bed since Dad has got the baby burrito thing down.

Cute sleeping baby

He grabbed that ring ALL BY HIMSELF!!!

My boys and Nuzzle (taken while Mom was hard at work on her synthesis!)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 8th, 2010

Mom's stuff:
This last week has been a really, really fun one. LP's grandparents (AZ) came to visit for a whole 5 days, and we both loved it. I got spoiled because I had time to eat breakfast and take a shower while they were here! One of the things I'm realizing about being a mom is how much I am "on." Again, this is one of those things I understood in my head before LP was born, but didn't really get until I was really into it. Basically, I am always alert and always have one eye and ear out for my little one, both during the day, and at night where I am theoretically sleeping. I didn't really realize the effect of this until the first time my husband was "in charge" for the night. Basically, he would listen for the baby and wake me up when the baby was ready to eat. I slept better that night that I had in three months, even though I was woken up at 4 am. Similarly, while my parents were here, they took LP to a local coffee shop in the mornings for about an hour. While they were gone I not only got stuff done, but I also was able to mentally and physically relax a bit. It is interesting to me how our bodies react to heightened need and stress. In some ways my body and mind are rising to meet the challenge - I don't even know I have been hyper aware and alert until I don't have to be for a little while. On the other hand if I don't make time for those breaks I'm pretty sure I will burn out when I least expect it. I like to think that teaching for six years has helped me a bit. As a teacher you get used to being "on" for a large chunk of time. Now I'm "on" 24 hours a day, but in this case for my own kid, which totally makes it worth the effort!

LP's Stuff:
LP is getting really used to being cuddled all the time with all his grandparents' visits! I swear he watches me when its just the two of us and is thinking "gee mom, you're pretty boring!" He definitely likes to hear people talk and sing, and he is starting to interact a bit when you are playing with him. We had an exciting moment yesterday on his activity mat where I SWEAR he was purposefully hitting on of the objects. For what it is worth, the G-man agrees with me on this, so maybe it's not just in my head. LP also had his 1 month checkup and he did great. He got a shot but he recovered quite well. He also weights a whopping 8 lbs. 10 oz. That may not sound so impressive to my many friends who had 9 lb babies, but LP was 6 lbs. 14 oz. when he was born, so he is making some serious progress!

Pictures and Video: