Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29th, 2010

Mom's Stuff:
At different points in my life I have done things that make me feel stronger and more independent, and which often involve a bit of risk (the one of the main one was moving out to the East Coast with no job and only really knowing one person out here). Some of the positive results of taking these risks is that I often feel more independent and stronger after the fact. I think it has to do with feeling like "hey, if I can do that, I can do anything!" With having a baby the actions that qualify as risks may seem silly. I remember that going to meet a friend for lunch with just LP and myself when he was four weeks old seemed like the biggest deal in the world. But after we made it through without catastrophe I started to feel way more confident about taking him out in the world. This week was a week full of such events. On Sunday I took LP on an airplane for the first time, just me and him. It was tiring for sure, but it went well. He was calm for the most part, probably calmer than me. Then we spent two days at my sister's place, without LP's swing or crib. LP adjusted very well, probably better than me. On our way back home, I was feeling both very happy to be home, but also a sense of accomplishment. Yes I was exhausted, and it has taken me a few days to really recover, but I did it. I figure if I can do that, I can do almost anything with LP on my own. And so today he and I went for a run with him in the jogging stroller. It was nothing compared to our plane trip, but it was something I had been putting off because I wasn't sure how it would go. But hey, after traveling by yourself with a baby, there is nothing you can't do!

LP's Stuff:
As mentioned above, LP had a very busy week with his traveling. He is also now sleeping without being swaddled, mostly because it has been warm and we want to get him used to it. So far, so good, although he did wake up at 2:30 the last two nights. He loved the jogging stroller this morning - his little legs were kicking up a storm, and he smiled at people as he ran by. However, his most impressive accomplishment this week was the way he rolled over. Now when I put him on his tummy he can roll over, although, to be honest, it looks a bit more like flopping over. But he loves it, and it is pretty fun to watch! No more leaving him sitting on the couch while I grab my breakfast though - sigh.

Pictures and Video:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 15th 2010

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Mom's Stuff:
I thought I understood what compromise really means, but having a child is giving me a whole new perspective. On one hand I am making compromises left and right. The dishes are "clean enough." I'm finishing my master's but I'm not sure that the final product will be as good as it could have been under other circumstances. When I was preparing a presentation I realized that the wording on one of the slides would make more sense if it was changed, but that required me being able to go upstairs and work on the PC - a feat that I was not sure I could accomplish with LP awake in the mere 30 minutes I had. So, the wording remained and life continued. I also have soy formula on hand, though I have not had to use it yet. Unfortunately, I have not found any true vegan formula out there since almost all of them have vitamin D3 in them, which is derived from non-vegan sources. So, while my diet (and therefore LP's) is strictly vegan, we have the formula just in case we need it - one more compromise I have made. On the flip side, there are many areas where we are not compromising what is really important to us. I'm breastfeeding even though it is sometimes painful and inconvenient. LP will not be going to daycare, even thought that means I'm going without pay for a few months and then we will be living on a teacher's salary. I have found myself wondering more in the past few days (after seriously compromising my desires to have LP on a nap schedule) what other compromises we will make that we never expected, and also what principles we will find ourselves totally unwilling to compromise on. Only time will tell.

LP's stuff:
As I just mentioned, at the pediatrician's suggestion I have been trying to get LP to take more naps both on a schedule and in a crib. Suffice to say this was a failed experiment for both of us. So, in the interest of getting LP to get enough sleep, he is still sleeping in his swing occasionally, although we always try putting him in his crib or pack n' play first. This week LP has started to want to interact even more. When we are playing with him he is happy, but when we leave he starts throwing a fit. This can be irritating, but on the other hand it is exciting that he is wanting to interact more and that he is starting to acknowledge us as more than just diaper changers and food sources. As one of my friends reminded me he is still in the "fourth trimester" and so it is fine to cuddle him, rock him, and do whatever he needs - we are certainly not spoiling him! Although I have explained to him that we can play, but he has to be willing to watch Glee with me on Wednesdays as well. So far he seems to be fine with that.

Pictures: Remember, if click on a picture it should open up in another browser window in a bigger size that is easier to see.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 8th, 2010

Mom's Stuff:
It's amazing how much better I feel about everything now that I have a full draft of my master's synthesis. It is not done by any means - I am still waiting for comments and feedback from my professors and I have a big presentation in a couple days, but the bulk of the writing is done, and I'm getting to take a few days away from it so that when I do go revise it I can see it with fresh eyes. This has allowed me to spend the last few days working on getting some basic stuff done: cleaning the house, doing laundry, checking e-mail, calling people, etc. It is amazing to me how much more energy I have now that I don't have to worry as much about getting my writing done. I'm realizing how much brain power it takes to think about how to figure out what you are going to do next when you don't know if "next" will happen in five minutes or 2 hours (or at all!) It helps a lot that now LP is getting a slightly better schedule and is able to entertain himself for longer stretches of time.

LP's stuff:
Speaking of entertaining himself, LP is doing quite a good job of keeping himself occupied. I can now stick him on the activity mat for 20-30 minute streches before he gets tired and cranky. He has also started sleeping in his crib instead of the bassinet, which has been going well. LP had his 2 month check-up yesterday and all was well. He is right on track with weight at 11 lbs 2 oz and he is doing a great job with his social smiling and following objects and light. The doctor said that pretty soon he would be ready to bat at objects hanging above him (which all our loyal followers have seen him do for weeks) so I figure we don't have to worry about his hand/eye coordination at this point! He was a very good baby with his shots and he only cried a little. Then we came home and he hung out with his aunt and was all better!

A note about the pictures - if you want to see the picture better, click on it. Your browser should open another window or tab with a larger version of the picture.

LP preparing for his Calvin Klein shoot

Rrrrrr! Show that toy who's boss!

Look at me Dad!