Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 15th, 2011

Mom's Stuff:
I'm hesitant to jinx it, but I'm feel pretty good about how things have been going lately. The weather is getting better, so I am able to bike to work again (and therefore get home earlier - biking is faster than taking the bus)! I've been getting home in time to hang out with LP and for the whole family to eat dinner together. I've also tried to keep my work at home to a reasonable level, which means working a lot more on Friday afternoons and giving up on some things. Some (ok, a lot) of my lessons haven't gone as well as they could have, and some papers have not gotten graded as quickly as possible, but I am getting the basics done. And, most importantly, I get to see my little guy as much as possible!

LP's Stuff:
We both love LP, but his dad and both agree - he can be quite a destructive force! LP wants to move ALL the time. He is pretty much done with nursing before bedtime, but that has turned bedtime into a bit of a battle to get him to calm down. The time change this weekend did not help with this process. However, LP really is an incredibly great kid. He loves being able to go outside and run around. He loves getting to go for rides to the park or the store in his really awesome red wagon. He also can be quite a party animal - he went out to a friend's house with us a few weekends ago and he was the life of the party until 9 pm when Dad and I started to poop out!

LP is also starting to get more sounds and play with talking a bit more. He now says "ga" for any furry four-legged creature (including both dogs and cats). He hasn't said "ma" for a few weeks, and he still hasn't said "da" at all, but he does know a "ga" when he sees one! He is also asserting his will a bit more and demanding that he handle his own spoon during meals, which means that both hilarity and extreme messiness result.

As a vegan family, we do want to make sure our baby gets enough protein. Frankly, any family should make sure their baby gets enough protein - and the best stuff doesn't come from animals! LP is a huge fan of tempeh especially when it is marinated. We usually marinate cubes in the smokey tempeh marinade (which has some veggie broth, soy sauce, garlic, maple syrup and a bit of liquid smoke) from Veganomicon and then grill them on a cast iron skillet for about 5 minutes on each side. These little cube are great hot, cool or heated up again in the microwave or toaster over. LP loves then - we just cut them up into baby-friendly pieces and stick them on his tray - he eats this high-quality protein right up!


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