Friday, June 25, 2010

June 25th, 2010

Mom's Stuff:
Unlike my other blog, I don't have titles for my posts here, other than the date. But if this post were going to have a title it would be "Multi-tasking." One of the hard things I have had to learn about taking care of a baby is that I don't get to finish things when I want. Every day I have to develop a strategy to get things done in little pieces, and I also have to accept that there are some things that just won't get done. However, there are the occasional glorious days where I have a long (more than 20 minute) block of time to do something. Today was just such a day - after a tiring day yesterday where he had to be with me at work from 7 am to 5 pm, LP is currently taking a super long nap - he went to sleep around 9:15 and it is now 11:30. When he first went down for his nap, my plan was to read through some of my e-mail, especially the articles on some of my teacher listserves. However, as I was doing this I had trouble focusing - I kept jumping around, thinking of other e-mails I needed to write, trying to complete another blog entry, etc. I'm sure part of this is the way the internet works - I know a lot of people who do this online. However, I wasn't always like this. It took me 45 min into LP's nap to chill out a little bit and actually get some stuff completed (including finally cleaning the kitchen - yee ha!). While this distracted energy I have is fine for now, I do wonder how I will readjust (or will I readjust) come September, when I go back to work.

LP's Stuff:
This has been a red letter week for LP! First of all, let me say that he is the most amazing kid (yeah, I'm biased!). I had to work two days this week - one at home and one at my school, and he was amazing and well-behaved in both very trying circumstances. He is also turning into a regular moving machine. Yesterday he was launching himself out of his car seat (when he was unbuckled) and changing his diaper and getting him dressed has become an olympic event since he wants to roll around and wiggle so much. His latest feats are attempting to sit up, which he can do pretty well, but he pretty quickly falls to the side, and sticking his foot in his mouth - literally, not figuratively (we have a few more years until that happens!). He is becoming really fun to spend time with and interact with, but he is also becoming a handful! He is definitely curious like his dad - we can only hope that is not coupled with his mom's stubborness!


Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21st, 2010

Mom's Stuff:
About two weeks ago I hit a wall. There was really no reason to - LP is a very chill, happy baby who rarely fusses (and always has a reason if only I can figure it out). I have incredibly supportive friends and family who are always ready to help out, or even just spend an inordinate amount of time on the phone while I walk a baby to sleep. But even with all of this, I was done. I dreaded Monday's when G-man went to work, and I began to seriously resent all the people I knew who got out and did things during the day. Its not like I was locked inside, but there was not real reason for me to leave the house. I'm realizing that this is the longest I have ever gone without doing some find of writing, teacher-work, etc. While I am definitely working in the sense that I am raising and feeding a child, I am not "working" in the way I have been used to, and I want to. Its a sickness I guess, but I can't wait to go back to unit and lesson planning and teaching. I'm sure I will read this in October and kick my past self, but the reality is that I miss my job. In my dream world I would stay home with my baby and work at the same time. In the real world I'll let G-man take over in September as I go back to my classroom.

L-P's Stuff:
During a much, much needed visit with Grandma and Grandpa (AZ) LP got to do whatever he wanted, including take naps on Grandma and Grandpa instead of in his crib. He also got to watch Grandpa's really cool garden railroad recently named in LP's honor! He was a wonderful baby on the plane and in a hotel for the night which has helped me feel a lot better about how well he will travel on our next west coast trip. Since the last post he has also made advances in movement. While at Grandma and Grandpa's he practiced sticking his butt in the air, and by the time we came home he was able to propel himself forward bit-by-bit - kind of commando style. With these newfound skills LP is also able to entertain himself for long periods of time in his pac-n-play and on the activity mat now that he can really grab things and play with them. Its great because I can leave him on the mat for long stretches while I do things like work out or make dinner. On the other hand, I have to watch him like a hawk because you never know what he will do next!

Food and Fitness:
Since I did name this blog "Vegan Mama" I thought I should finally talk about what we are eating in our vegan family. LP is, of course, still eating his usual breastmilk fare, but I have been progressively trying to eat healthier as the G-man and I figure out how to cook and eat with a baby. With the weather getting warmer I've been having fruit and whole-wheat toast for breakfast, and I've started having big salads for lunch with lots of tomato, apple, avocado and other yummy veggies on top. Our dinner menu for this week includes White Bean Ratatouille, Yellow Split pea Dal (both from The Vegan Table) and Classic Black Bean Soup and Mexican Lentil Casserole (both from "Easy Beans"). I'm learning how to stratagize dinner-making into chunks so that I can get it done in the afternoon and still have time to hang out with LP. LP has also inspired me to work out more the past few weeks. I have my 20 minute weight routine (which is about as much time as I can count on) and two days a week we take a 2 mile jog. Hopefully we will be increasing distance soon! I am also finding that when I work out I'm able to relax and have more fun with LP - definitely an incentive!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Leaving Comments

Some folks have had trouble leaving comments. I just changed some settings to help, so if you want to leave a comment, please do, and e-mail me if you have trouble!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8th, 2010

Mom's Stuff:
Just when you think you have a handle on things you baby tells you otherwise. The last two nights have been rough on all three of us. Last night I got up with LP from 2-3:30, and then dad was up with him from 3:45-5:15, at which point I took LP, fed him and brought him downstairs to the swing. All three of us were exhausted, and the G-man and I have no idea why LP couldn't sleep on his own the way he has been doing for weeks. Maybe its gas, maybe it was too cold - who knows. At least LP has been sleeping in his swing from 5:30 until now (almost 9) and might even sleep more. That is unusual for him and more evidence - in my mind - that something was preventing him from sleeping well last night. I thought we were through the phase where we just congratulated ourselves on surviving, but I guess I was wrong.

LP's Stuff:
Other than not sleeping well for two nights, LP has been doing good in other areas. He has become way more playful and interested in things. Anything he can hold he sticks in his mouth (as best he can). He also seems more into the books we read him, and he reaches out his hand and tries to turn the pages (or at least seems to be). He also has transitioned to a bit more of a nap schedule, although that might be even more short-lived than I had hoped. Overall, he is still a very happy baby.


A new thing! It must go in my mouth!!

Dad - stop trying to make me be cute for the camera!

Mom and LP - graduation and the post-graduation party!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1st, 2010

Mom's Stuff:
Like most women I know, I have always found fault with my body, and I have often felt like I just needed to lose that "last" five pounds. When I was pregnant I worked out religiously up until month seven with the goal of not only staying in shape, but also being able to get my pre-pregnancy body back as soon as possible. When I finally gave birth to LP I was in quite a hurry to get back to running and lifting and trying to get myself looking decent again. In many ways, through the whole pregnancy and the first month after I was not a fan of my body. Sure, I was impressed that I had somehow grown a child, and I felt good about the birth, but I still wanted to "get rid of" the signs of pregnancy like the stretch marks, tummy pouch, etc. However, in the last few weeks, I have come around to a different understanding. As I get back to being able to do the things I used to, I am actually loving my post-pregnancy body. I have come to see the strech marks as something to be proud of, like bruises after a particuluary difficult basketball game. I may not be running as far as I used to (2 miles is now my "short run") but I'm doing it pushing a baby in a jogging stroller. I'm also able to walk for miles with a 13 lb child (and growing everyday!) strapped to my chest. Rather than seeing my body as lacking, I see it as stronger than it has ever been. Heck, its not only doing all these things, but it is also providing all the nutrition and calories my child needs! So, now when I see all the ads on my computer about getting my figure "back" I laugh, because I have no desire to go "back" to what I was - this is the best I've ever been.

LP's Stuff:
Well, the days of the putting the baby down for a second have ended. Today LP rolled from his back to his front - and then back again. He was having a blast playing with his toys and enjoying his new-found mobility. He is also getting more and more interested in things - he loves going for a run is and is always looking around. He will cry if you leave the room (and stop entertaining him). The other day I was eating lunch and he was fascinated by the green beans. He's not ready for solid foods yet, but I'm excited to think he will be my greens-lovin' vegan baby!
